Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster
Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster

Hubble Pillars of Creation Poster

Regular price $25.00 Sale

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Pillars of Creation photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 in 2014 in the visible-light spectrum. The pillars are per of the Eagle Nebula cluster, about 6,500 light-years from Earth. The pillars are about 5 light years tall.

The blue colors in the image indicate, oxygen emission, the oranges ones sulfur and the green colors indicate nitrogen en hydrogen.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

These matte, museum-quality posters are printed on durable, archival paper.

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